Unknown Wanderer

Short ’n sweet.

I love to travel.
Doesn’t everyone, I guess??????

I go everywhere from new cities to new countries. It’s paid travel and I’m rarely at my small apartment in my own hometown. I’ve been on the road for years with my job.

And while I enjoy seeing the “new” in every place I go, do you know what I like more?

And this, its weird bc I don’t really tell anyone this, but whatever nobody knows me so …………………

I completely change my name, pretend I have an accent, have a different situation/family/reason for travel every single time. I love being anyone but me. I feel more confident portraying someone else, it’s a thrill.

One day in Toronto I was a mother of two toddler twins, shopping in Bloor-Yorkville solo while the “kids” were with the nanny at home by the pool. Spent a fortune on one martini that I drank alone, sitting well postured and poised. Another time, I was a widow with a southern accent I’d learned from a movie once.

In Niagara, I was a “student on summer vacation”, hanging with other “students” who were all 5-6 years younger than me who I met while touring. I even tried my hand in speaking with an Aussie accent because why not?

One time it was a week stretch over in Europe and on the 5 or 6 day, I was even convinced that my name was “Emma”………. Emma from California on holiday from my job as an interior designer.

I don’t know why I do it.
I get a high from it, lying to everyone I meet, indulging in make believe.

I never connect with anyone personally because I can’t. I’m lonely but I’ll never let anyone in.

This has been going on for years (maybe 13). I’m really weird, I accept that.

And it also feeeeeeels weird to write this out to you now.

Maybe I’ll see you one day, but you won’t really “see me.” I’m sorry……

Love from the Unknown Wanderer.


Trying To Sort It All Out


Hypervisibly Invisible