Dear Diary,
I am mentally, physically, and emotionally drained.
I feel like I can sleep the whole day away.
I wish that I could take a break from everything and everybody, but I have no money to take a nice vacation.
I pray everyday to remain positive but lately I've been thrown.
I feel like I have nothing left inside of me but yet I cover up my pain.
Every time people see me, I have a big smile across my face, but little do you know, I am suffering on the inside.
I wish I could be replenished or something. I always seem to put others before myself.
I don't know if I can continue to be there for others because who is there for me?
This is my cry for help.
I AM DRAINED I tell you but I don't know how to express my feelings verbally.
So I am writing this diary entry and maybe someone will understand.
I wish I was put first instead of feeling like I am bugging.
I wish I felt appreciated but I feel used.
I wish I could pour my heart out, but then I would get taken for granted.
I wish I could trust someone but people are steadily changing.
I hate feeling alone but yet I feel this way everyday on top of being drained.