What is CO-XST?

CO-XST is a powerful project creating acceptance of your individual story.  We believe in the inclusivity of all individuals at its highest regard and along with kindness + compassion spreading love contagiously around the globe. 

CO-XST believes by creating these diverse conversations, people from all walks of life can call for culture changes, bringing light to the sometimes hidden darkness behind closed doors. CO-XST welcomes open dialogue, allowing anyone to be their own voice for change.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you.

There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

How do we CO-XST?

The only thing constant in life is change. That’s a phrase we all can relate to. Sometimes that change is hard, but what we love is when change is promising and works in tandem with a mission to create something beyond what you originally attended.

That change recently happened to UNTOLD and now we get to share. For all those who have loved our UNTOLD Project and have been followers, we would like to share UNTOLD is now CO-XST - a vibrant interactive project with a new team in place to transcend this project’s mission.

As you all know, UNTOLD has been a story-sharing project for years. During the pandemic, UNTOLD pivoted to focus on campus life stories with UNTOLD: The Campus Diaries thanks to the involvement of Middle Tennessee State University.

With a unique perspective and desired direction of a deeper movement, The UNTOLD Project became CO-XST. Added to the team was UNTOLD’s already in place social media strategist, Kiya Naka, from Calgary, Canada.

While CO-XST kept the heartbeat of the stories, CO-XST definitive direction is creating acceptance of those individual stories we share and creating a space to motive kindness + compassion while spreading love contagiously around the world. CO-XST believes by creating these diverse conversations in a positive way, people from all walks of life can call for culture changes, bringing light to the sometimes-hidden darkness behind closed doors. CO-XST doesn’t just share your story, it welcomes open dialogue, allowing anyone to be their own voice for change, creating a place for all of us to Co-XST in a meaningful way.

One of the most exciting additions to CO-XST are our table talks. There CO-XST: Table Talks are once a month on-line, informal conversations of individuals from every walk of life who are given the opportunity to communicate, express, listen and build relationships that are inspiring and long lasting.  Hosted by an influencer, the conversations are sure to be insightful for everyone who joins.

Of course, our incredible posts of stories will continue, but Co-XST will also present podcasts beginning in October 2022 and will also showcase stories on film beginning in December 2022.

Our hope is CO-XST can become a small catalyst of active change to lead everyone to grow in their ability to find acceptance in themselves and other. These are very contentious and negative times we are living in. Frankly, it’s exhausting. Our goal is to help stop the noise of negativity and facilitate activism to create a space in this world for more kindness and a future to enrich lives of individuals around the globe. It’s time we learn to CO-XST to enhance society. We hope you will join us.

Want to be part of CO-XST? Come on!

Follow us on social and contribute your story.
Also, if you have a film or podcast idea, we’re all ears.

- Karen + Kiya